MD4SG '20

4th Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good

Call for Participation

The 4th Workshop on Mechanism Design for Social Good (MD4SG ’20) will take place virtually on 17-19 August 2020.

The goal of the workshop is to highlight work where techniques from algorithms, optimization, and mechanism design, along with insights from other disciplines, have the potential to improve access to opportunity for historically underserved and marginalized communities. The workshop will feature keynote presentations, contributed talks, and a virtual poster session on work at this research interface. The event aims to facilitate interactions between academia, policy, and industry with a focus on bridging research and policy; to this end, there will also be presentations of problem pitches and demonstrations as well as networking and discussion opportunities.

We solicit submissions of research papers, position and policy papers, as well as special problem- and practice-driven submissions, to be presented at the workshop. The deadline for submissions is Wednesday, July 1.

We encourage submissions from across various disciplines covering domains including bias and discrimination, civic participation, computational sustainability, developing nations, economic inequality, education, healthcare, housing, labor markets, and privacy and security. Submissions can be research papers introducing new theory or applications. We also strongly encourage submissions of position papers synthesizing existing work and perspectives or highlighting future directions, as well as problem pitches and demonstration submissions that are particularly aligned with policy or practice. Submissions will fall into one of four tracks: The last track is for special submissions such as problem pitches or demonstrations. We especially encourage individuals from government and policy, as well as individuals in non-government organizations and industry, to submit to this track. For all submissions, topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Submission Specifications:

Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:


Submission Instructions:

Authors should upload a PDF of their paper to EasyChair. There are no specific formatting instructions or length requirements. In addition to the PDF, authors are asked to upload a separate abstract and a 200-250 word description onto EasyChair summarizing their submission and its relevance to the workshop’s theme. Authors do not need to be the first author of the submitted work. Authors should list all co-authors on the presented work both in the PDF of the submission as well as on EasyChair.

Authors may submit papers that are working papers, papers that have already been published, or are under review. If the work is already published, please include a citation on EasyChair.

There will be no published proceedings. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least 2 reviewers. The committee reserves the right not to review all the technical details of submissions. Submissions are single-blind (i.e., authors should include their name and affiliation in the paper).

Important Information:


Organizing Committee:


Program Chairs:

Steering Committee:

Area Chairs

Program Committee